This was the first time I’ve worked with clay since I can remember, and it was so fulfilling! The feeling of using your hands to mold clay, just can’t be beat. The world is your oyster with the things you can create. Plus, there are so many easy clays to work with, right out of your home. No need for a kiln.
This project is so simple, it’s a great one for children too. It got a 5 star revue from Daddy! He genuinely loves it, and finds it very useful. A great success all around. It’s our ‘Habitat at Home’ clay catchall tray, for his change, keys and phone. A little reminder of his family’s love. The perfect father’s day present!
‘Sculpey’ is a polymer clay, that can be found at the craft store. It can be kneaded into shape, or rolled out on a cutting board. It has directions for baking in the oven on the packaging. The packaging states 275 degrees F, for 15 minutes per 1/4 inch. I found that this still left the clay quite soft. I left mine in the oven at 275 F, for an hour and a half, to allow it to harden more. You can easily lengthen the time when baking with this product, but do not raise the temperature. Keep the kitchen ventilated when baking, as the clay will release an odor.
Voila! – Project done.
It’s so simple, that it makes you want to do more clay projects as soon as possible. I can’t wait for the next clay project already!
Hi my name is Kristina Myers. Welcome to my hobby blog. Well, it's much more than a hobby blog. I couldn't contain myself to just talk about hobbies. I have broadened it right out cover anything that takes place around the home and enriches life itself.
I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I have enjoyed writing them.
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