Do you feel pain in your neck and lower back again? Neck pain and stiffness can be related to weak muscles, poor posture, or degenerative changes in the cervical spine. The result is usually stiff muscles in the neck and shoulder area, pain, and can even lead to reduced mobility. Neck tension and discomfort can occur for a number of reasons.
But don’t worry, if you suffer from acute neck pain, there are several methods that can alleviate it. The five exercises that we propose below help to improve the mobility and flexibility of the thoracic spine. Getting myofascial massages with tennis balls or foam rollers is also a great option for relieving muscle tension. And the best part is that you can do these exercises anywhere and anywhere.
Starting position:
Lie on your back and place the roller under your back, at the level of your shoulder blades. Raise your hips and engage your abs and glutes. It is important that the hips, back and neck form a straight line. Place your hands behind your head for neck support.
How to perform the exercise:
Slowly slide back and forth to massage your back muscles and mobilize your spine.
If you have very specific pain points, you can use a tennis ball (or even a golf ball!) To target specific areas. Press on the acute pain point for about 20-40 seconds until the pain subsides.
Starting position:
Stand with your back against the wall – both your arms and spine should be touching the wall and your arms should form the letter A. Move your shoulder blades up and down. Press against the wall with your shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
How to perform the exercise:
Starting position:
Lie face down. Place your arms out to the sides, with your elbows slightly bent.
How to perform the exercise:
It is about doing the previous exercise, but face down. Repeat the exercise several times.
Starting position:
Sit in a chair and keep your upper body straight. Cross your hands behind your head, with your elbows pointing out. Place the foam roller between your thighs. Push your thighs together to stabilize your hips.
How to perform the exercise:
Turn your head, elbow, shoulder girdle, and thoracic spine to the side. When in this position, lean your upper body to that side. Repeat the exercise several times.
Starting position:
Get on all fours. Place your hands at the same distance as your shoulders, with your elbows slightly bent. The distance between the knees must be the same width as the hips and the body must be parallel to the ground. Put one hand behind your head.
How to perform the exercise:
Open your upper body to the side of the hand behind your head. Next, lower your bent elbow toward your base elbow. Repeat the movement several times and switch sides. Always keep your hips stable and perpendicular to the ground.
If you spend a lot of time in a chair or on the couch, either on your computer or looking at your phone, these neck exercises are a good way to relax neck pain and release tension in your upper back. Simply rotating your shoulders back and forth and raising and lowering them several times a day is usually enough to prevent a stiff neck.
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